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Advisory Board profile

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Carolyn Placente

Carolyn brings deep experience in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. She has held leadership roles on many Boards and has devoted her life to serving people, especially people furthest from favor and opportunity. Dedicated to culturally-responsive, restorative policies and practices, she served as a Commissioner for the Marin County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission, where she helped to lead the Commission’s efforts in developing a countywide approach to addressing racial and ethnic disparities and implementing restorative practices in juvenile justice in partnership with schools, community-based organizations, community members, and the County’s Probation Department.


She also served as executive director for OnePercent for Education - which facilitated financial support for educationally-focused nonprofits working toward educational equity -and leads violence prevention and health workshops for people of all ages. A humanist by training, Carolyn believes our stories are essential to the critical work of reimagining and refashioning our democracy, shaped by an understanding of intersectionality of identities, histories, struggles: who we’ve been and who we wish to become. 

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